As a part of the Naval Diplomacy and Confidence Building Measures of the Indonesian Navy and RSN maritime patrol cooperation along the Indonesia-Singapore border is critical for securing the safety of the economic traffic of the sea route
MARCH 17th 2023 has become a milestone in the military cooperation relationship between the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) and the Republic Singaporean Navy (RSN) with the reopening of the Indonesia-Singapore Coordination Patrol which had been vacuumed for approximately one decade due to the sensitive issue of naming KRI Usman Harun.
After various strategic studies and the development of actual threats to the economic traffic of the sea route, finally the two countries agreed to reopen maritime patrol cooperation along the Indonesia-Singapore border.
Witnessed by the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy Admiral Muhammad Ali and Chief of Navy RSN RADM Sean Wat, 2 (two) patrol vessels, KRI Surik 645 and RSS Fearless were symbolically dispatched, each under the control of the Commander of Koarmada I Admiral Erwin S Aldhedarma and Commander Maritime Security RSN Colonel Augustine Lim. This form of maritime security operational cooperation is a real answer to the role of Naval Diplomacy and Confidence Building Measures of the Indonesian Navy and RSN.
Source: Indonesia’s Ministry of Foreign Affair site