Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong praises NCCS for fostering inter-religious harmony during the 50th anniversary celebration.

Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong delivered a heartfelt speech at the National Council of Churches of Singapore’s (NCCS) 50th Anniversary Thanksgiving Dinner on July 24, 2024. The event, held to celebrate NCCS’s significant contributions over the past five decades, saw leaders from various religious communities coming together.

Lee expressed his gratitude and congratulations to NCCS for its Golden Jubilee, highlighting the organization’s role in promoting unity among churches and fostering inter-religious harmony in Singapore. He commended NCCS for its active participation in the National Steering Committee on Racial and Religious Harmony and its grassroots efforts through the Racial and Religious Harmony Circles. Lee acknowledged the constructive engagement NCCS facilitated between the Government and Christian groups on national issues, which has contributed to a cohesive and inclusive society.

Reflecting on Singapore’s broader achievements, Lee thanked the founding generation for overcoming communal distrust, and leaders of religious groups for promoting mutual respect and harmony. He emphasized the rarity and fragility of Singapore’s peace and harmony, urging continuous effort to protect and cultivate it.

Lee also addressed the impact of global religious conflicts on Singapore, noting the government’s vigilant role in maintaining racial and religious harmony. He asserted that while society evolves, sensitive matters of race and religion will always require careful management.

Concluding his speech, Lee called on NCCS and other religious groups to continue their good work, encouraging interfaith friendship and unity in Singapore.

Source – PMO