Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong highlighted the Singapore Armed Forces’ (SAF) development and achievements at the SAF Day Dinner on 26 July 2024, emphasizing the importance of continued vigilance and readiness to ensure Singapore’s security.

Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong addressed the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Day Dinner, held at SAFTI Military Institute. Minister for Defence Dr. Ng Eng Hen, Chief of Defence Force Vice Admiral Aaron Beng, and distinguished guests attended the event.

Minister Lee expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and the SAF for the invitation and shared his joy at reuniting with old comrades. He reflected on the SAF’s humble beginnings, paralleling it with Singapore’s journey to independence in 1965. He emphasized the urgency with which the SAF was built, starting from two infantry battalions to a comprehensive, integrated tri-service force.

Highlighting the SAF’s evolution, Minister Lee noted the creation of the Digital and Intelligence Service (DIS), illustrating the SAF’s ongoing transformation to meet new threats. He stressed the importance of eternal vigilance, acknowledging the SAF’s role in maintaining peace and security for nearly 60 years without having to engage in war.

Minister Lee recounted the SAF’s successful operations, including deterrence patrols, counter-terrorism missions, and international peacekeeping efforts. He praised the SAF’s swift response to humanitarian crises and national emergencies, showcasing the force’s readiness and capability.

Reflecting on his own military service, Minister Lee shared how the SAF shaped his leadership skills and forged lifelong friendships. He underscored the significance of National Service (NS) in fostering social cohesion and national identity. Minister Lee assured servicemen and their families of the government’s commitment to their well-being and emphasized the need for a strong SAF to ensure Singapore’s continued peace and progress.

Looking ahead, Minister Lee warned of an increasingly turbulent world and stressed the necessity of maintaining a credible and combat-ready SAF. He called on current and future generations of SAF personnel to uphold the pledge to protect Singapore’s honor and independence.

Source – PMO