Recent studies show green sustainable choices have become a top priority for the travelling public
After surviving the two-year rock bottom caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, 2022 is a year of rebirth for the travel industry. Travelers continued to travel despite the pandemic’s effects, according to reports from the Trip.com group, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), and Deloitte. The research also showed travelers’ priorities have also shifted and adapted to the current global situation.
Recent reports have shown that 75% of travelers say they’ll be considering more environmentally friendly travel in the future, and nearly 60% have already chosen more environmentally friendly travel options in recent years. Studies say travelers are eager to lessen their carbon footprint and support sustainable tourism.
Approximately 75% of wealthy vacationers, according to a different study, are willing to pay more for trips that are more environmentally friendly.

Flexible Vacation Budget
Despite concerns about inflation and the rising cost of living around the world, nearly a third (31%) of travelers stated in recent surveys that they intend to spend more on international travel this year than in 2022. With a 109% increase in international overnight arrivals compared to 2021, travelers showed that their desire to travel is still very much alive after more than two years of disruption. In terms of big spenders, Americans topped the list with 86% of travelers expecting to spend the same amount or more on international travel in 2020 than they did in 2019

Furthermore, according to Deloitte’s “Global State of the Consumer Tracker,” more than half (53%) of international consumers polled during the summer of last year said they plan to stay in hotels in the near future.
The report also provided the following observations:
• Sales of sun and sea vacation packages are anticipated to increase by 75% in 2022 compared to the previous year.
• In the summer of last year, foreign arrivals in European sun and beach destinations were only 15% lower than in 2019.
• According to WTTC’s most recent “Cities Economic Impact Research,” visits to major cities are predicted to increase by 58% annually in 2022, just 14% less than in 2019.
• Sales of luxury hotels are predicted to increase to $92 billion by 2025 from $76 billion in 2019 due to the growing popularity of luxury vacations.
• According to another survey, nearly 60% of travelers either already pay for carbon offsets or would consider doing so if the price was right!