Saturday, 4 November 2023, 11am – 12.30pm at National Library Building

Have you ever wondered about the rhythmic pulse that resonates within Singapore’s bustling streets, uniting generations and echoing a tale of cultural pride? That pulse comes from the heartbeat of Dikir Barat, an art form that not only entertains but enlightens, empowers, and embodies the spirit of the Malay community.

In this session, Dr. Roszalina Rawi will bring us through on a fascinating exploration of Dikir Barat’s vibrant journey in Singapore. From its roots in the 15th-century Malay Peninsula to its lively expressions on modern stages in Singapore, we’ll unveil the story of a tradition that’s much more than music – it’s the voice of a community.

Whether you’re a lover of cultural arts, a student of history, or simply curious about the soul-stirring sounds of Dikir Barat, this session will enchant, educate, and inspire you. “Dikir Barat in Singapore: Semarak Rakyat” is more than a presentation; it’s an invitation to connect with a living tradition that thrives on creativity, community, and celebration.

Seats are limited. Please register here