Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean commends outstanding achievements in the Malay/Muslim community at the Anugerah Jauhari awards.

Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security, Teo Chee Hean, presented the prestigious Berita Harian Achiever of the Year 2023 Awards on November 3, 2023. The awards ceremony, known as Anugerah Jauhari, celebrated the exceptional accomplishments of individuals within the Malay/Muslim community over the course of 25 years.

During his keynote address, SM Teo expressed his deep appreciation for the achievements of past winners, highlighting their continued contributions to both the community and the nation. He emphasized the importance of unity in furthering the progress of the Malay/Muslim community in Singapore.

Touching on global challenges, SM Teo extended Singapore’s support for humanitarian relief efforts, particularly in the wake of recent conflicts in Gaza. He underscored the significance of maintaining peace and harmony within Singapore, especially in a time of heightened global uncertainties.

The recipients of this year’s Anugerah Jauhari awards, Shahrin and Shazza, were praised for their outstanding accomplishments and their dedication to uplifting others. Their successes serve as inspirational examples of the progress made by the Malay/Muslim community in Singapore.

SM Teo concluded by commending Berita Harian for its longstanding commitment to showcasing positive stories within the community. He expressed gratitude for the publication’s continued efforts in engaging and strengthening the community.

In his closing remarks, SM Teo extended his heartfelt prayers for peace in the world, emphasizing the need to cherish the stability and inclusivity enjoyed by Singaporeans.