Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat launches Raikan Ilmu @ Heartlands 2024, emphasizing lifelong learning and community empowerment through education.
On 29 June 2024, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat delivered remarks at the launch of Raikan Ilmu @ Heartlands 2024, an event celebrating knowledge and lifelong learning, organized by MENDAKI.
DPM Heng thanked Minister Masagos Zulkifli, Chairman of MENDAKI, for the invitation and acknowledged their decade-long collaboration serving Tampines residents. Minister Masagos, unable to attend due to an overseas meeting, sent his best wishes.

DPM Heng highlighted MENDAKI’s significant contributions to the Malay/Muslim community through education and employment initiatives. He praised programs like Kelas Mate Matika (KMM), the MENDAKI Tuition Programme, and MENDAKI Homework Cafes for providing academic support. Scholarships and mentorships with companies such as MSD Pharma, Micron, MiRXES, and GIC were also recognized for preparing youth for future careers.
Government efforts have complemented MENDAKI’s initiatives, resulting in improved education outcomes. Nearly every Malay student completes primary and secondary education, and 80% of youths aged 25 to 34 have post-secondary or higher qualifications. DPM Heng noted the diverse educational pathways available, including applied degree programs at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS).
DPM Heng emphasized the importance of lifelong learning and adapting to the fast-changing global economy. He cited innovations like artificial intelligence, robotics, and the digital economy as transformative forces, necessitating continuous skill acquisition. Industry Transformation Maps (ITMs) have been introduced to help workers adapt, with the Information and Communications sector aiming to create 80,000 well-paying jobs by 2025.
Raikan Ilmu @ Heartlands 2024 offers over 80 activities across Tampines, Jurong, and Admiralty, encouraging participants to explore their passions and skills. Activities include a mini news studio by Mediacorp for younger children and a virtual reality flight simulator and robotics soccer challenge by the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) for older students.
In conclusion, DPM Heng urged everyone to embrace lifelong learning and utilize opportunities provided by initiatives like SkillsFuture Credit and various tripartite programs. He commended MENDAKI and other Malay/Muslim organizations for their continued support and encouraged all to embark on their learning journeys.
Source – PMO