385 NSmen from 240 companies gather for SAF Day Combined Rededication Ceremonies, emphasizing commitment to national defence.

This morning, 385 Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen) from 240 companies, along with their employers, gathered for the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Day Combined Rededication Ceremonies (CRCs) held at four locations across Singapore. The ceremonies served to reaffirm their commitment to the defence of Singapore.

Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen officiated the rededication ceremony organized by the Singapore Manufacturing Federation at Suntec City Convention Centre, where he delivered the SAF Day message. Dr Ng emphasized the critical importance of steady investment in Singapore’s defence. He stated, “For Singapore, we have invested steadily over the last 59 years since the SAF was formed. We are thankful that every year the Government commits itself substantially to defence spending. Every dollar spent on defence could have been used for other purposes – health, education, welfare – there is no shortage of needs. But as countries in Europe and elsewhere have discovered, it is not one or the other. You have to do both… Today, because of these steady investments and the strong commitment of more than 1 million NSmen, we have a strong, modern, well-equipped, quad-service SAF, able to prosecute missions across air, land, sea, and digital domains.”

Dr Ng also highlighted the vital role of NSmen and their employers in national defence, stating, “As long as our soldiers remain committed and train hard, never taking our peace for granted, then the SAF will remain strong and capable of defending Singapore’s sovereignty and way of life. In this mission, all Singaporeans stand solidly behind us in total defence.” An SAF Day video featuring servicemen and women sharing their thoughts and hopes about the SAF and their commitment to the defence and security of Singapore was also screened.

Other rededication ceremonies were officiated by Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry Dr Tan See Leng, Minister for National Development and Minister-in-charge of Social Services Integration Mr Desmond Lee, and Minister for Social and Family Development, Second Minister for Health and Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Mr Masagos Zulkifli. These ceremonies were organized by Singtel/NCS, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, respectively.

Strong societal support for National Service (NS) is fundamental to Singapore’s national security. The SAF Day CRCs, first held in 1987, provide an opportunity for NSmen and their employers to reaffirm their commitment to defence and reflect on their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding Singapore.