Deputy Prime Minister Gan Kim Yong spoke at “A Very Special Celebration 2024” on 20 July 2024, marking Pathlight School’s 20th anniversary. He praised the school’s achievements and the community’s efforts in creating an inclusive society.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong delivered opening remarks at “A Very Special Celebration 2024” on 20 July 2024. The event celebrated the 20th anniversary of Pathlight School, Singapore’s first autism-focused school that integrates mainstream academics with life readiness skills.

In his speech, DPM Gan highlighted Pathlight School’s significant impact on children and youths with special needs and on Singapore’s overall education system. He praised the school’s unique curriculum, which includes programs in art, IT, and dance, and its School Partnership Model that fosters interaction between special education and mainstream students.

He commended the collaboration between the government, private sector, and community in supporting Pathlight’s mission. Special recognition was given to Ms. Denise Phua, President of Autism Resource Centre (ARC) and School Supervisor from the Pathlight School Board, for her dedication and efforts.

DPM Gan also acknowledged the importance of volunteers and the Organising Committee in making the celebration a success. He emphasized the continuous journey of improving services for individuals on the autism spectrum, noting ARC’s plans to expand its residential program to teach independent living skills.

The government’s commitment to building an inclusive Singapore was reiterated, with ongoing efforts to ensure quality and affordable special education. Recent initiatives include lowering fees at Special Education (SPED) schools and Special Student Care Centres, and rolling out SPED Teaching and Learning Syllabuses to cater to students’ interests and abilities.

DPM Gan also mentioned the launch of the first Enabling Services Hub in Tampines in 2023, aimed at bringing disability support services closer to homes, with two more hubs planned by 2025. He highlighted the role of community partners in creating inclusive neighborhoods and supporting adults with disabilities and their caregivers.

The Enabling Business Hub in Jurong, launched in 2023, was also noted for its efforts to connect persons with disabilities with job opportunities. He praised UOB and other organizations for employing individuals on the autism spectrum, illustrating the importance of collective efforts in building an inclusive society.

DPM Gan concluded by congratulating Pathlight School and ARC on their 20th anniversary and expressing gratitude for the community’s ongoing support.

Source – PMO