Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister, Heng Swee Keat, delivered a speech in Mandarin at the inauguration ceremony for the Chui Huay Lim Club’s 2024/2025 Management Committee on August 1, 2024. In his address, DPM Heng emphasized the importance of unity, cultural preservation, and the club’s historical significance in the Teochew community.

Celebrating New Leadership

DPM Heng congratulated Mr. Huang Haiqing and Dr. Lim Yongjie on their reappointments as President and First Vice President of the Chui Huay Lim Club. He highlighted the importance of unity, stating, “In unity, there is strength,” and expressed confidence in the new leadership’s ability to guide the club in serving both the Teochew community and Singapore at large.

A Legacy of Cultural and Social Contribution

Founded in 1845, the Chui Huay Lim Club has played a significant role in Singapore’s history, providing a platform for Teochew merchants to gather and discuss important community matters. DPM Heng noted the club’s involvement in significant historical events, such as the creation of the Tuan Mong School and the formation of the Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan. He praised the club’s longstanding commitment to education, charity, and cultural activities that have benefited the community.

Promoting Teochew and Chinese Culture

DPM Heng commended the Chui Huay Lim Club for its dedication to promoting Teochew and other Chinese cultural traditions. The club established the Teochew Opera and Music Research Society in 2017 to preserve and share Teochew opera and music with the community. The club has hosted performances by the Guangdong Chaozhou Opera Theatre, providing free access to classic Teochew plays and attracting many local fans.

In addition, the club organized the fourth “Teochew Singing Competition” and the first national Xiangsheng competition last year. These events aim to preserve Chinese performing arts and encourage interest in the Chinese language among students.

Commitment to Charity and Community Service

The Chui Huay Lim Club is actively involved in charity work, contributing to various cultural and charitable organizations. DPM Heng expressed gratitude for the club’s efforts in fostering community spirit and supporting those in need. He emphasized the importance of unity across all communities in Singapore, stating, “We must strive to strengthen Singaporeans’ cohesion, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or origin.”

DPM Heng concluded his speech by encouraging the club and other community organizations to continue their efforts in uniting and empowering Singapore’s diverse communities. He expressed confidence that under the new leadership, the Chui Huay Lim Club will continue to make significant contributions to Singaporean society.

Source – PMO