Panellists discussed the evolving business landscape in Africa, highlighting opportunities and addressing misconceptions at World Opportunities Forum (WOF) 2024

Singapore, August 27th, 2024 — The World Opportunities Forum (WOF) 2024, featured a dedicated session on Africa, highlighting its evolving business environment and investment potential. The session, namely “One Africa: Doing Business in the Continent,” brought together a panel of distinguished diplomats and experts to discuss the continent’s economic landscape and strategic opportunities for growth.

The panel included H.E. Ahmed Mostafa Abdelaal Mohamed, Ambassador of Egypt; H.E. Jean de Dieu Uwihanganye, High Commissioner of Rwanda; H.E. Madiepetsane Charlotte Lobe, High Commissioner of South Africa; and Mr. Amit Jain, Director of the NTU-SBF Centre for African Studies, who moderated the discussion. They shared insights on Africa’s economic reforms, investment opportunities, and the continent’s growing appeal to international investors.

The session emphasised Africa’s potential as a key investment destination, with speakers highlighting recent progress in economic reforms and infrastructure improvements across various countries. Egypt’s strategic location and diversified economy, Rwanda’s robust economic performance and investment opportunities, and South Africa’s integration into the global economy through initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) were all showcased as significant attractions for investors.

The panellists also addressed challenges faced by African countries, including infrastructure issues and economic pressures, and shared updates on ongoing reforms aimed at creating a more favourable business environment. They underscored the importance of regional cooperation and strategic partnerships in driving sustainable economic growth and development across the continent.

The World Opportunities Forum (WOF) is an annual event that brings together top investors, policymakers, and industry experts to explore global investment opportunities. This year’s Africa session highlighted the continent’s vast potential for growth and investment, emphasizing the importance of proactive governance and strategic vision in shaping its economic future.