H.E. Daniel Antonio Rosa presided over his first National Day reception since presenting his credentials for the Republic of Angola’s 46th Anniversary of Independence on 17th November 2021

H.E. Ambassador Daniel Antonio Rosa held an online reception with the Guest of Honour representing Singapore, Mr Alvin Tan, Minister of State for the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, and the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
Announcing the theme of this year, “United, Let us Build a Prosperous Angola”, he said this was based on, “Prosperity founded on the goals and objectives that the country defined within the framework of the National Development Plan (PDN 2018-2022) and of the Long Term Development Strategy, ‘Angola 2050’, complemented with the Agenda 2030 related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Agenda 2063 of the African Union that declared ‘The Africa that We Want’, which is related to the ‘Common Strategic Framework for the Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development’.
He added that Angola has been recording growth and success across the political, economic, and financial domains, as well as in the social and cultural aspects. This covered democracy, a free and participative society; national cohesion; human development, increasing education and sustainable development. The country’s economic growth has also helped to attract foreign private investment.
Warm Exchange of Messages Between Leaders

Ambassador Antonio in his speech highlighted the finalisation of several important bilateral agreements involving legal instruments in several domains and these he said “will strengthen even further our bilateral cooperation, recently reinforced through the messages of congratulation by H.E. João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço, President of the Republic of Angola, on the last 9th of August, and H.E. Halimah Yacob, President of the Republic of Singapore, regarding the celebration of the 46th anniversary of Independence of Angola, on the past 11th November. In the messages, the two Heads of the States manifested the desire to see being developed further the friendship ties and cooperation that unite both Countries and Peoples.”

Under the leadership of His Excellency the President of the Republic, João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço, Angola is moving sustainably in the direction outlined for its development. The state is working hard towards attaining development and meeting the needs of the people of jobs and housing.
The Ambassador shared that despite the COVID-19 pandemic the country was forging ahead. Anchoring in the theme of the governance “To improve what is well and to fix what is bad”, the Angolan Executive is focused on perfecting mechanisms.
Forecasts & Elections
Angola’s macroeconomic forecasts point to an economic growth of 2.4% for the year 2022. This growth recovery track is expected to reduce unemployment levels, improve the well-being of citizens and the businesses environment.
Next year, the General Elections will take place in order to choose leaders for the following five years. For the first time, since the implementation of the multi-party system in Angola, citizens residing overseas will also be able to vote. Ambassador Rosa announced that for Angolan citizens residing in Singapore, the Philippines, and other countries under the jurisdiction of this Embassy, the process to update the official electoral registry is expected to begin in January 2022 and end in March of the same year. New electoral cards for the voters will not be issued; the utilisation of their Identity Card will be enough to update the referred registry. Technical teams from the Ministries of the Territory Administration, External Relations, and from the Embassy in Singapore are expected to be engaged to work in the process from next January.
Foreign Policy
In the context of foreign policy, the Republic of Angola maintains its position as an international strategic partner; promoting peace, stability, and the sustainable and harmonious development of the peoples, mainly, in Africa. For instance, His Excellency President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço presides over the International Conference for the Great Lakes Region (CIRGL); in the same way that the Commission of the Economic Community of the Central Africa States (CEAAC) is led by
the Angolan Ambassador, Gilberto da Piedade Veríssimo.
Angola will continue to strengthen its cooperation with the Republic of Singapore and the other countries that participates in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which are part of the Embassy diplomatic cover.
The Ambassador pointed out that Singapore has a competitive advantage with its a financial and technological resource and Angola has minerals.
Financial flows can help in socio-economic development, especially in building infrastructure and help in transforming the industry.
Investment from Singapore companies in resource-rich Angola will help in generating jobs, improving infrastructure and training more Angolan human resources. The collaboration can be mutually beneficial.
The Republic of Angola is strongly committed to the cause of climate change. This is evident with the participation of the Head of the Angolan State, His Excellency João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço, in the 26th United Nations Climate Summit (COP26), in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. In his speech, President Lourenço committed to the fact that the Executive branch will be using 70% of renewable energy resources until 2025. In the words of the President, “climate changes constitute one of the greatest challenges faced by humanity, considering the ranges of direct and indirect effects which affect both the economic and social areas of the nations, a fact that represents a true challenge
to development”.
Bilateral Agreements
The signature of the Memorandum of Understanding last 17th of August between AIPEX (Agency for the Private Investment and Export Promotion) and the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise, contributed inexorably to strengthening the existing friendship and cooperation ties between our two countries.
Angola is looking forward to seeing concluded the legal cooperation tools that are under negotiation, namely:
l The Visa Exemption Agreement for Diplomatic Passports, Official/Service and Ordinary Officials
l Reciprocal Investment Protection Agreement between the Republic of Angola and the Republic of Singapore
l Double Taxation and Tax Evasion Agreement between the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Republic of Angola and the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Republic of Singapore
l The Agreement related to the Bilateral Political Consultations between the Ministry of External Relations of the Republic of Angola and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore.
The Ambassador also highlighted, “Our participation in the 6th Edition of the Africa-Singapore Business Forum in August, represented an extremely important moment. It allowed our countries to share opportunities for businesses, strengthen and consolidate the currently existing business relations.”
He also welcomed with great satisfaction that Angola’s (port) Porto of Lobito was selected for the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) – Singapore Maritime Single Window Pilot Project.
The Ambassador ended his address by also noting how, “This year we celebrate 21 years of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Angola and Singapore, which is also the same period when Angola’s National Society of Fuels (Sonangol.EP) started its crude oil trade operations in Asian countries. He also expressed Angola’s appreciation for the international cooperation and support the country has received over the years. He also said “To Singapore and Singaporeans, we dedicate a very special recognition for the cordial welcome you have given us in this wonderful country.”
Singapore Welcomes Greater Cooperation and Links Between Both Nations
Highlights of address by Government of Singapore representative Mr Alvin Tan Singapore’s Minister of State for the Ministry of Trade & Industry and the Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth
The Singapore government’s representative to Angola’s Independence virtual reception Minister of State Mr Alvin Tan in his address said Singapore found it inspiring to see the strength, resilience and progress made by Angola since independence as well as the country’s commitment to peace and stability in Africa.
While both countries had to meet many challenges presented by the COVID pandemic, the Minister of State said he was happy to note how Angola has been commended by the World Health Organisation for its exemplary approach in using an innovative registration system for the real time monitoring of the country’s vaccine rollout.
He also said: “As Minister of State for Trade and Industry I’m pleased to see that bilateral trade has been increasing year on year. In 2020, Angola was Singapore’s fourth largest trading partner in Sub Saharan Africa and bilateral trade student more than 700 million Singapore Dollars. Angola remains an attractive partner for trade and investment. And our companies can use Angola as a gateway to the African continent. Especially in the oil and gas (O&G) sector with a number of Singaporean companies already operating in Angola, such as Sembcorp Marine in O&G and beyond O&G in sectors such as manufacturing and urban planning and solutions. I would like also to encourage Angolan companies to set up regional bases in Singapore which has a dynamic business environment with strong support infrastructure for all foreign and domestic companies. Furthermore, Singapore is also a strategic location at the nexus of key trade flows between East Asia and Africa. Allow us to act as a gateway for Angola companies to expand into ASEAN and wider Asian region. There is a vibrant market of almost 700 million people with a combined GDP of about US$3.2 trillion.” He also called on Angola to work closely with Singapore in addressing climate change, ” I believe that this can be a new bright spot for collaboration.”
For the full text of the Ambassador’s speech please click here