Professor Muhammadilhom Yoldashev, Doctor of Philosophy, looks at how since Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev came into power more than six years ago, he has made it his goal to create the necessary conditions for the free and comfortable existence of citizens by introducing extremely responsible reforms. Professor Yoldashev reviews what are the most important changes that have taken place in Uzbek society as result of those reforms
Freedom of Speech & Happiness
MORE than six years have passed since the beginning of a new era in Uzbekistan and it seems to me that one of the greatest achievements in our country over the past six years has been the loss of an incomprehensible mental pressure, a feeling of fear in our society. Fear of criticism, talking about problems, knowing that they have become rich, recognizing poverty. Such examples can be cited in large numbers. What is today? Today we are talking freely, without any fear, about the topic we want.
In some cases, there is also the fact that we go beyond the limits by speaking understandably, knowing or not. It is no secret that we are putting our youth under the influence of various harmful ideas, not thinking about the consequences of freedom.
But no matter how difficult it is, the head of our state prefers to remain faithful to democratic principles. And we are not always aware of the value of this approach to the issue. The fact that freedom of speech and thought in Uzbekistan was provided not on paper, but in practice was a universal event. The worldview is that we did not believe in the provision of freedom of speech, freedom of thought by foreigners tugul himself. We heard a lot of talk that Uzbeks are not ready for democracy, they just need to be guided by hardship. If Kezi came, we would have liked it.
But where does hurficrity remain if the people are not given the opportunity, democratic changes in the true sense of society do not begin? We know that not everyone dared to start such a business. The reason was result of the unwillingness of society to do so, many problems could arise, which different forces could use in their own interests.
Nevertheless, the passion for ensuring freedom of speech and thought in society and, through this, ridding our national psyche of the dangers of the consciousness of dependence did not leave Shavkat Mirziyoev for a moment. Is there a greater happiness than when a person freely expresses his opinion-in the world?! He cannot say that I am literally free, as long as he cannot openly express his opinion about his reality, about the issues that make him think. Such a state absorbs the consciousness of the human mind, leading it to the swamp of mental dependence. Therefore, the issue of freedom of speech and thought has long been considered as an important condition for progress.
Criticism is Needed, But…
If in society citizens have the opportunity to express their unbiased thoughts and views without fear, problems are solved in time, the state develops. This is a proven fact. This must have been the main goal of building a city of prosperous people, which our ancestors had dreamed of for centuries, and a civil society, which the whole world strives for, in fact. But are we not used to criticism alone as freedom of expression? In some cases, are we not confused by unreasonable criticism? True, where there is development, both a problem and a drawback are found, there will be criticism. The point is only in finding the right solution, realizing these problems and shortcomings in time.
Unfortunately, it makes one think that some criticism is aimed not at a problem solution, but at creating a mood of instability in society, dissatisfaction among people.
Free and critical opinion is not prohibited, but if criticism is aimed at a solution to a particular problem, relying on a rational proposal, it is undoubtedly accepted, recognized by the state and society, our people, as a soul. It’s okay if critical thought and Idea serve the prosperity of the land. But without unreasonable, practical solutions, criticism weakens confidence in reforms, arouses suspicion in people. This, in turn, breaks the bond of kindness in society. Mutual harmony between them eliminates the feeling of unity in the way of good goals.
Criticism is generally ambivalent. The first is impartial and truthful criticism, which seeks the benefit of society and includes practical solutions to the existing problem, and the second is criticism, which seeks only ulterior motives, without recognizing the achievements of society.
At this point, let me be forgiven by the people of our society, the intellectuals-he, the stones being thrown into our land, despite the attacks aimed at breaking down our spiritual unity, for some reason we are not in a hurry to give a reasonable answer to them, we are indifferent.
If only one of the ten works carried out in our country finds a drawback, then the whole world is hearing it, knowing it. And we can’t show our achievements better. It is especially sad at a time when developed countries, prestigious international organizations are recognizing the effect of reforms in our country.
Lesson from the Past
Having escaped the feeling of unrealizable fear, we touched above on the fact that we had the opportunity for freedom of speech and thought and its importance. But we are used to looking at such changes as normal. Living from the past to the conclusion teaches you to look at the future in a thoughtful way, to appreciate the value of the present. This increases the sense of gratitude in humans, strengthening unity in society.
A few years ago, a teacher, doctor, student and student may feel like a lie in an ear that they have not heard being forcibly taken out on a cotton swab. Try one imagine the state of our compatriots, who, although they live in a neighboring state of several miles, could not see for years, could not even go to their condolences when kezi arrived.
Not to mention the sabru qanoatit of our women, who were born in a neighboring country and have lived in Uzbekistan for 25-30 years, but who, even when they were grandchildren, could not afford the citizenship of our country. From the first days of its existence, the head of our state has seriously entered into the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. Supported them in every possible way.
Many people should know the days when the entrepreneur was now checked on his feet and “touched his head on a stone with his mouth touching the soup.” There is also the fact that the people of science are ashamed to say that for many years they are academicians, professors, to whom innocence eventually causes the value of intellectuals in society, the passion of young people for science to fade.
We remember well those scientists who, having defended their doctoral dissertation with hard work, Ne-ne had difficulty supporting their family after returning to work. It is also true that many of them, in the hope of earning a living, abandoned their beloved profession, passed on science and went to the market. Today this situation has completely changed. In the last 6 years, the salary of professors of higher education institutions has increased by 4 times in the middle. When a Professor works at a rate, he receives an average of 15 million with his master. An additional rate of 0,5 can take another 5 million rubles generated. In a number of Osms, English-language learners receive a 100 percent premium. This means that the professor has a monthly average of 30 crore.
On top of that, the scientists who defended doctoral dissertation (PhD) in the world’s top-500 ranked OTs have been prescribed Masters: 22.5 crore in the top-100 ranked OTS, 18 crore in the top-100 to 300, 15 crore in the top-500 Examples of this kind can be found in other fields.
Easy to Speak
Many investments in the economy, in the social sphere are necessary to achieve the huge milestone set before us. The solution of this issue was approached in a completely new way. First of all, international experience was studied. Did not sit down depending on the internal possibilities. As a result, 8 billion dollars of foreign direct investment entered our economy in 2022 alone, while the volume of exports reached 19 billion dollars. As a result of large-scale reforms, last year the gross domestic product exceeded 80 billion dollars for the first time.
The presence of the poor in our country was clearly recognized and a completely new system of social support was created for them. While 500,000 low-income families received welfare benefits in 2017, more than 2 million families are supported today. The allocation increased 7 times to 11 trillion.
The issue of human dignity in New Uzbekistan has become a priority of state policy. The achievements in this regard, the fruits of our reforms are recognized and recognized not only by neighboring countries, but also by leading countries of the world, prestigious international organizations. At this point, let’s dwell on some of the work carried out on the path of human perfection in our country.
In 2022, the funding for the health care system was 3.5 times higher than in 2017, at 25.7 trillion. Funding for medicines and medical supplies increased 6.3 times. The monthly salary of medical workers was increased by 3.3 times, ending the involvement in forced labor.
In 2017-2021, as part of the investment programs, 7.2 trillion soums were completed in 1370 medical institutions with a total of 62,644 beds in the Ministry of health system.
In 2017, 27.7% of preschool children (708,000) were covered by preschool education, compared to 71.8% (2.1 million) by 2022.
Unlike other branches and sectors, where the fixed minimum wage amount is independent, for the first time the salary of pedagogical workers was increased 1.5 times in 2 stages (September 1, 2018 and January 1, 2019). To date, the opportunity has been created for educators to receive a salary equivalent to a thousand US dollars with Masters. The involvement of teachers and students in forced labour was also put to an end.
Over the past five years, 4,635 schools have been reconstructed and renovated in our country. During the same period, the number of non-governmental general education organizations in our country increased almost 5 times. While 6 years ago the number of higher education institutions was 77, today this figure has increased from 200. Admission to them increased 3.5 times, and youth coverage with higher education increased from 9% to 38%.
From 2021, a new system of allocation of preferential education loans was established, and to this day 151,000 young people were given a preferential education loan of 1.7 trillion soums. More than 65,000 student women were allocated interest-free educational loans for around 727 miles-liard.
In 2017-2022, 145 new sports facilities were built, as well as reconstruction and repair work on 119 facilities. A total of Rs 1.6 trillion was spent on this. In 2017, more than 72,000 students attended 305 children’s schools of music and arts, while today the number of schools is 324, the number of students is 93,000.
Over the past five years, 11 new museums, 2 theaters have been created, 12 theaters, 4 museums and more than 100 cultural centers have undergone construction and renovation.
During 2017-2022, more than 100 benefits were granted to young people aimed at providing social assistance, ensuring employment, realizing their talents and supporting their initiatives. In particular, a separate program was adopted aimed at housing young families. In 2018-2020, 3,460 young families were handed over and the initial payment of ₹ 156 billion was paid on condition of interest-free repayment for 20 years. In 2022 alone, more than 292,000 young men-girls were provided with 580 billion soums of assistance through the youth book system. As a result of the work carried out, Uzbekistan ranked 101st (in 2020-106th) in the human maturation index in 2022 with 0.727 points. The education index in this direction increased from 0.729 in 2020 to 0.745 by 2022, and Uzbekistan rose to 75th place.
In the Global Innovation Index, Uzbekistan rose from 122nd to 93rd in 2020 and from 82nd in 2022 to be among the top 10 states achieving dramatic positive changes. In the direction of human capital of this index, Uzbekistan was recorded in 2021 in the 72nd place (30.4 points), and as of 2022 it was ranked 65th (30.8 points).
The Endpoint
Society has its own power. On its basis lie the phenomena of eurylaxis. One of the phenomena is self-esteem. When was the man and the ground where he was born dear? When people living in that land live with a sense of gratitude, a sense of pride in their land.
When asked the question of when the policy of freedom ended, we look for the answer from the realities of history: in times when the mood of division and indifference appeared.
The second is the phenomenon of the era. The flash of thought should always be on. That is, there is such a view: thinking is a means of understanding the world. And the world is the space in which man is born. Both the good and the bad of this space are, first of all, unique. Therefore, a person is forced to defend his homeland on his own, preserve it.
Today a modern interpretation of this process has been formed — protection from an information attack. Therefore, each of us must participate in the protection of the honor of our country.
A person who loves his homeland prefers fair and impartial criticism, strengthens unity, not distrust in society. Such criticism is supposedly a call, urging everyone to actively participate in reforms in our country, overcome difficulties together, and become more jipsated around the head of our state. After all,”love for the Motherland is convinced.”
If you pay attention, our people will always ask for peace, peace, health and safety first of all, when they create a hand for prayer. An important factor in achieving such goals is unity.
Even in the ancient book “Avesto” of our ancestors, it is not for nothing that a noble thought, a noble word, a noble deed are mentioned. Society, which achieved the unity of the people, the unity of good intentions, good deeds, always flourished.
In a land where there is unity, harmony, tranquility prevail. Therefore, our country has long relied on the proverbial words “there is a lot of talk in unity”, “United self, uniting dust”.
So let’s unite, let’s become chips today, where these complex, global threats, the need to solve many-lab problems inherited from the past are increasing every day. So that such a living becomes the commandment of our conscience, the criterion of our activity.