The Swift Explorers Singapore Celebration brings together over 70 students from 20 schools to showcase their passion for technology and app development, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills through basic coding.
Despite facing heavy downpour, the energy and enthusiasm of more than 70 students representing 20 schools remained undiminished at the Swift Explorers Singapore Celebration. The event, organized by Crescent Girls School and Tinkercademy, proved to be an exciting opportunity for students to delve into the world of technology and enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities through basic coding on iPads. Throughout the event, students eagerly shared their app prototypes, showcasing their creativity and commitment to technological innovation.
Josephine Teo, the Second Minister for Home Affairs of Singapore, commended the collaboration between the educational community and the industry, recognizing its potential to spark interest in technology and cultivate essential tech skills among young learners. She expressed confidence in the current generation and those to come, believing they have the capability to shape a brighter and more inclusive digital future for all Singaporeans.
The Swift Explorers Singapore Celebration exemplified the significance of nurturing young talent and equipping them to navigate the ever-changing landscape of technology. By fostering such partnerships and providing platforms for exploration and growth, Singapore is dedicated to empowering its future leaders with the tools they need to thrive in the digital era.