In a harmonious fusion of nature and culture, the Royal Thai Embassy teamed up with Gardens by the Bay to present two enchanting events in the fall of 2023: the “Orchid Extravaganza 2023: Orchids of the East Tropics” and the “Mid-Autumn Festival 2023”. These events served as vibrant testaments to the rich tapestry of Thai culture and its enduring beauty

Orchid Extravaganza 2023: Orchids of the East Tropics

On August 19, 2023, H.E. Mr. Chutintorn Gongsakdi, the Ambassador of Thailand to Singapore, graced the Orchid Extravaganza 2023 at the Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay. This remarkable exhibition transported visitors to the lush East Tropics, showcasing an astonishing array of orchids that were as diverse as the cultures they represented.

The Orchid Extravaganza 2023, which ran from July 28 to September 17, was a collaborative effort involving not only the Royal Thai Embassy but also the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, the High Commission of Brunei Darussalam, and the High Commission of Malaysia. This collective endeavor brought to life a showcase of orchids cultivated from species native to their respective countries or shared within the region. It was a living testament to the shared cultural heritage and historical legacy that united these five nations.

One of the key highlights of the Orchid Extravaganza 2023 was the display of Kebaya, a traditional outfit that had been jointly nominated for recognition in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list by Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. This nomination underscored the importance of preserving and celebrating the shared cultural heritage that bound these nations together.

Mid-Autumn Festival 2023

With the approaching of fall, the Mid-Autumn Festival 2023 promised to be a magical celebration at Gardens by the Bay. The festival featured a special showcase of Lanna lanterns from northern Thailand, adding an enchanting and authentic touch to the festivities.

The Royal Thai Embassy, in collaboration with Gardens by the Bay, displayed the Traditional Lanna Lanterns, which were exquisite examples of the exceptional craftsmanship of the Lanna people, serving as captivating reminders of the profound depth of Lanna culture and the joyous celebrations that exemplified its essence.

Additionally, the Thailand Lantern Dance, known as “Loy Krathong” or “Yi Peng,” was showcased at the festival’s opening ceremony on 15 September 2023. This cultural event was traditionally held in Thailand on the full moon night of November. Participants released intricately designed lanterns into the night sky, symbolizing the release of negativity and the embrace of positive aspirations.

Source – Sun Media Magazine ” InDiplomacy – Issue 89 “
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