COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a growing demand for reliable supply chain sources, and Bangladesh is emerging as a key player in this regard.

Bangladesh’s strategic location, coupled with its low shipment costs and growing manufacturing sector, has made it an attractive destination for global buyers seeking reliable supply chain partners. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Bangladesh’s export sector has shown resilience and continued to grow, with some sectors experiencing significant growth in the post- COVID world. For instance, the textile and garment industry, which is the backbone of Bangladesh’s export portfolio, has recovered from the initial shock of the pandemic and is now seeing strong demand from global buyers. This is in part due to the country’s ability to offer competitive prices, coupled with its focus on producing eco-friendly and sustainable products, which is a growing trend in the global market.
The leather industry, which is another key export sector for Bangladesh, is also experiencing growth in the post-COVID world, thanks to the rising demand for high-quality and sustainable leather products. Similarly, the frozen seafood industry is seeing increased demand from global buyers as people continue to work from home and cook more meals at home.
Supply Chain Facilitators
Key players in Bangladesh’s transportation industry include State-owned Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation, Bangladesh Railway and Chittagong Port Authority as well as private logistics companies such as Grameen Logistics, United Parcel Service (UPS) and DHL.
The movement of goods in Bangladesh has improved in recent years due to government investment in infrastructure and the expansion of private sector logistics services. Several mega projects have been implemented that are featured in this issue (see page 20). Overall, Bangladesh’s ability to adapt to changing global trends and provide reliable supply chain sources is proving to be a key competitive advantage. As the world continues to grapple with the aftermath of the pandemic, countries that can offer reliable supply chains and competitive prices will be well-positioned to meet the demands of the global market.
Source – Sun Media Magazine
” Why Bangladesh “
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