Singapore’s Minister for Defence Dr. Ng Eng Hen and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III reaffirmed strong bilateral defence ties and discussed enhanced cooperation in artificial intelligence and emerging technologies.

On July 16, 2024, Singapore’s Minister for Defence Dr. Ng Eng Hen met with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III at the Pentagon. Dr. Ng was welcomed with a Guard of Honour contingent before the meeting, where both leaders reaffirmed the robust bilateral defence relationship and the mutually beneficial partnership between Singapore and the United States.

During their discussions, Dr. Ng and Secretary Austin highlighted the US’s strategic presence and engagement in the Asia-Pacific region. Dr. Ng expressed gratitude for the longstanding support provided by the US for the training of Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) in the US and the operationalization of the F-35 aircraft. They also explored bilateral cooperation in new and emerging technology areas, particularly artificial intelligence (AI).

A key outcome of the meeting was the signing of the Statement of Intent (SOI) on Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence Cooperation by Singapore’s Deputy Secretary (Technology), Brigadier-General (BG) Yew Chee Leung, and US Chief Digital and AI Officer, Dr. Radha Iyengar Plumb. The SOI outlines collaboration in responsible AI, quality data, and talent management, building on the long-standing defence technology cooperation between the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and the US Department of Defense (DoD).

This SOI is part of the broader framework established by the 2005 Strategic Framework Agreement and the Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA), as well as the 2015 Enhanced DCA. These agreements emphasize cooperation in advanced and niche areas, as well as furthering defence collaboration in military, policy, strategic, technology, and non-conventional security spheres.

Dr. Ng emphasized the importance of AI in modern military operations, stating, “Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly vital in helping militaries secure a competitive edge in today’s digital battlefield. I am glad both Singapore and the US are working closely together to accelerate and scale AI adoption in military applications.”

Dr. Ng is in the US from July 15 to 18, 2024, and is scheduled to speak at the opening night of the Aspen Security Forum.

Source – MINDEF