Calling all Indonesians in Singapore! The Indonesian Embassy has opened auditions for PMI GOT TALENT, giving you the chance to showcase your skills on social media, win prizes, and perform at the Pemilu Socialization event on July 9, 2023. Don’t miss out, auditions close on July 4!

The Indonesian Embassy in Singapore has announced the opening of auditions for the highly anticipated PMI GOT TALENT competition. Showcasing the best talents among Indonesians in Singapore, participants are invited to submit their videos through various social media channels, including Instagram and TikTok, as well as WhatsApp. The chosen video entries will not only have the chance to win exciting prizes but also perform at the Pemilu Socialization event on July 9, 2023, and receive recognition for their exceptional abilities. With the deadline set for July 4, 2023, participants are urged not to miss this opportunity to shine.

(Photo: KBRI Singapura)

The Indonesian Embassy in Singapore has always been dedicated to fostering a sense of community and celebrating the diverse talents of Indonesian people. Through the PMI GOT TALENT competition, they aim to provide a platform for individuals to showcase their unique abilities and highlight the rich cultural heritage of Indonesia. This event is an excellent opportunity for talented individuals to gain recognition, encouragement, and support.

To participate in the auditions, aspiring contestants are required to submit their videos on any of the Indonesian Embassy’s designated social media accounts: @panwaslu_singapura and @ppln.singapura on Instagram, and @ppln.singapura on TikTok. Alternatively, participants can also share their videos through WhatsApp by contacting the designated number +65 8878 4762. Videos of all kinds of talents, such as singing, dancing, acting, or other unique skills, are welcomed.

Not only will the selected video entries have the chance to perform at the Pemilu Socialization event, but they will also have the opportunity to win attractive prizes. The Indonesian Embassy has not disclosed the specifics of the rewards, creating a sense of excitement and anticipation among the participants. The winners will not only gain recognition but also inspire and motivate others with their talent and success.

With the auditions set to close on July 4, 2023, interested individuals are urged not to miss this chance to participate in PMI GOT TALENT. It is essential to carefully prepare and submit their videos showcasing their best skills and talents. The competition promises to be a vibrant and captivating celebration of Indonesian culture and talent, bringing the community together and creating a lasting impact on all participants.

Sourced from KBRI Singapura